
1993 - Role of Plethysmographic Rhythms in Gravitational Interferometry

Published in Abstracts and Program p. XX #13

(Proceedings of the XXIe Conference -
International Society for Chronobiology, Quebec City, July 11 to 15 1993).

The author presents a research program considering the human body as a gravitational interferometer. This hypothesis, at the interface of Parallel Distributed Processing Models, Tensor Analysis, Signal Theory, physics of interferometry and fractal geometry, stems out of his past experience as a vascular surgeon, using plethysmography and holoenergetic resonance as clinical tools.

Plethysmography shows micro-metric variations of body volume produced by cardiovascular rhythms. Holoenergetic resonance is a longitudinal vibration, like a phonon, of the wall of peripheral arteries, detected clinically when Wratten-Kodak® filters with different bandwidths are brought close to the body. Each artery of the wrist has a different resonance frequency. This clinical phenomenon occurs even when the photons of the impulsive signal are blocked.

Oscillatory movements of receptor surfaces are critical to perception: nystagmoid movements of retina in vision of EM waves, movements of cochlear cells in hearing acoustic waves, respiration in olfaction of chemical gradients and tremor for touch. In the same way, plethysmographic rhythms, as indigenous background temporal carriers, could be the noise necessary to compare the very weak gravitational impulsive signal.

Embryology shows that the mesodermic cardiac tube, at the 3 somites stage, at 3 weeks of mammal embryo existence, has already autonomic contractions. The mesoderm is the organizer of the neuro-ectoderm. Physics shows the fractal geometry of the vascular parallel network with self-similarity at different scales, realizing an unlimited surface area in a squeezed volume. In a serial way, it is equivalent to an antenna longer than l00,000 km, able to detect gravity waves l032 less intense than EM waves.

The auto-oscillatory mesoderm, the first to show a macroscopic rhythm, could be the physical implementation of gravitational transducer, transforming gravitational input into EM waves, transforming body time language into frequency spectral language which can he memorized.

The stationary mesodermic rhythm can be analysed by a Fourier Transform. The neuro-ectoderm processes the signal by a Gabor Transform with the time domain and the frequency domain in the same function. The Wavelet Transform is best adapted to analysis of a very weak impulsive signal like gravity wave by the fractal vascular structure. The mesodermic vascular network, the first intrinsic Zeitgeber, owing to its spatial and temporal periodicity looks like an interferometer not only photodetector but gravitodetector, synchronizing human body to extrinsic Zeitgeber.

Key Words: Plethysmographic rhythms. Holo-energetic resonance. Mesodermic tensor network. Gravitational interferometry.

© Jean Ratte