NOTE: This is an edited version of a paper originally submitted for the poster session at Tucson 2000 that has not been retained by the Selection Committee. We understand that this paper is provocative for mainstream neurobiology when we claim that the role of the brain is secondary. However, this claim is substantiated by our observations in daily practice of holoenergetic vascular resonance, which shows that the brain works only as an hologram of the body and that consciousness is a global process not limited to any part of the body.
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In Tucson II (Abstract #330) we offered the hypothesis of electromagnetic ectodermic consciousness and gravitationnal mesodermic consciousness. In Tucson III (Abstract #977) we emphasized the radar role of the mesoderm as an active scanner in the interferometric consciousness loop.
This essential triad loop, or Receiver-Transformer-Transmitter, which is a dynamic system, is found at many levels of complexity:
* in molecular pigments;
* in the DNA-RNA-Protein cellular triad that rules the biosphere; and
* in the tri-functional embryonic tri-layer structure (ecto-meso-endoderm) still active in the adult body.
All these dynamic systems share a common vibratory pattern, or topodynamic equivalence, which provides a physical basis to the analogy process, and our ongoing clinical research with vascular holoenergetic resonance indicates that form recognition is mainly a function of the mesoderm, not of the neuroectoderm.
Vascular holoenergetics is a clinical tool that measures the resonance between pigments of Wratten-Kodak filters and the cellular pigments that control biochemical reactions. There is no life without pigments, so there is no consciousness (CS) without pigments.
Pigments have a bi-directional function. On the one hand, they are molecular diodes that bring about a Fourier Transform (FT) between undulatory electromagnetic (EM) waves and particular electronic chemical energy, and reciprocally, they can act as laser diodes from the particular to the undulatory.
Our experience shows that ancient Hebraic ideograms and symbols such as hexagrams or mandalas also work clinically as dynamic systems which can bring about FT between mind and matter.
Form recognition is a FT between outside and inside worlds, realized by the gravitational mesoderm and not by the electromagnetic neuroectoerm. The role of the brain is secondary in this transaction, since neuroectoderm works as a local processor and mesoderm as a non-local processor. In this context, brain and body can be considered as particles, and consciousness as a wave.
The FT of a wave is expressed as a frequency spectral line. Such spectral lines are detected clinically at the external ear by holoenergetic vascular resonance. Different forms have the same holoenergetic spectral line. Allosteric inhibition, or "competition of forms", allows us to detect topodynamic equivalence, or functional similarity between pigments and other forms such as ideograms from Hebraic, Sanskrit or Chinese origin, which bring about FT between local visible (form) and nonlocal invisible (mind).
These clinical findings regarding the resonance between biological cellular information and written cultural information support the hypothesis of René Thom in Biolinguistics that endoderm acts as the subject, mesoderm as the verb and ectoderm as the object. Topodynamic resonance between molecular, cellular and organism levels indicate that, at the basic level of life and consciousness, in the informational molecular triad, DNA is similar to mesoderm, with a verb-like function, RNA is similar to endoderm or subject and protein is similar to ectoderm or object.The endoderm is subjective, the mesoderm is transjective and only the ectoderm is objective.
© Jean Ratte