
2013 - Biosemantics of syntropy, Viterbo

Jean Ratte
Agence Recherche Épistémologie Appliquée,
Centre Holonergétique, Montréal, Québec, Canada

1st International Conference “Life Energy, Syntropy and Resonance” Viterbo, August 2013

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Biosemantics of syntropy (video)


The human body is a prism that, by a Fourier Transform, decomposes the energy in a spectrum of 4 fundamental interactions; electromagnetic, weak nuclear, strong nuclear and gravitational. These 4 fundamental interactions are detectable clinically by the vascular semantic resonance.

Fig. 1 – 4 zones of biochemical pigment resonance

Vascular semantic resonance (VSR) is a clinical in vivo spectral analysis technology, based on the vascular resonance of pigments filters with the intracellular pigments, catalysts of the life process and first forms of memory. It gives a spectrogram of every concept corresponding to a biophysical reality.


Entropy is a concept valid only in closed system. Life, Mind and Consciousness are open systems. VSR shows that the human body is a complex conjugate of matter and antimatter. There is no annihilation between matter and antimatter in the living systems, but phase conjugation.

Fig. 2 – Vibratory spectrum matter/antimatter (aura)

There is no life without antimatter. Life is characterized by an in vivo spectrogram, including matter and antimatter. The physical body of matter is conjugated with a pericorporeal field of antimatter. 

GMO and Alzheimer don’t have an antimatter spectrogram. 

Embryology allows the understanding that the human body, owing to these 4 physical interaction fields, and not only electromagnetic field, can detect directly the meaning of an «information» in the pericorporeal field, bypassing ectodermic electromagnetic sensory perception, allowing access to the quantic and subquantic levels. Quantic is sensible. Subquantic is intelligible. 

So the human body is more complex than any technological device. It can detect what no imaging technic can. It is like an analog-digital converter or a prism analysing the energy in its 4 fundamental interactions with a Fourier transform. It is also like a digital-analog converter with an Inverse Fourier transform.

Fig. 3 –Embryology of aura

Entropy is like analog-digital conversion. Syntropy is like digital-analog conversion. Dystropy is confusion between analog and digital. 

The vascular semantic spectrogram of syntropy is identical to that of negentropy and consciousness. They are vibratory or operative equivalent of energy. The VSR can detect a zone of resonance for the strong nuclear and for gravitational, not usually measurable clinically. 

Syntropy resonates with quantic or semiotic level of the 4 fundamental interactions. Semantic resonates with the subquantic level. But there is no semantics without semiotics.

Fig. 4 – Local Non Local

Clinical aspects of the semiotic or quantic level

VSR shows 4 zones of biochemical pigment resonance in the pericorporeal field. The Vascular System as an Harmonic Oscillator Manifold indicates the vibratory or operative equivalence between these 4 zones of biochemical resonance and the zones of resonance of the 4 fundamental interactions, 4 basic atoms of life: 

- (C.H.O.N); 
- The 4 nucleotides of DNA (adenine, guanine, thymine and cytosine); 
- The 4 basic neurotransmitters: (adrenaline-serotonin, acetylcholine-dopamine); 
- The 4 embryo’s layers; ectoderm, endoderm, intra-embryo mesoderm and extra-embryo mesoderm. 

There is a fractal resonance at all levels of organisation of the body. 

The pericorporeal zones of resonance of strong nuclear and electromagnetic interactions correspond to Kinetic energy or Ortho-sympathetic system responsible for catabolism. 

The pericorporeal zones of resonance of weak nuclear and gravitational interactions correspond to Potential energy of the Para-sympathetic system responsible for anabolism. 

Kinetic Ortho-sympathetic Catabolism plus Potential Para-sympathetic Anabolism energies constitute the Hamiltonian Syntropy. This Hamiltonian is vibratory equivalent to Being (Ontos). 

The Lagrangian or Kinetic Ortho-sympathetic Catabolism minus Potential Para-sympathetic anabolism constitute Eros. 

Syntropy like Metabolism is the sum of Ontos and Eros. 

In Entropy, there is no more gradient; it is hyperinflation of the digital without conversion to analog. 

No more Big Bang or Big Crunch but a Big Freeze. 

All these claims stem out of the clinical practice of Vascular Semantic Resonance, first as a vascular surgeon, then only VSR practitioner for the last 20 years (1). 

Neuroimaging gives vascular as well as neural correlates of Consciousness. But the measuring device selects only a small part of the whole process. A complex process such as Consciousness can be measured only by a more complex and subtle filter. Our claim is that the cardiovascular network Manifold is such a filter with a Riemann Complex Hypergeometry (2) allowing Harmonic Resonance between all levels of complexity from the most basic physical principles to the most subtle aspects of the human body, from quanta to qualia, from semiotics to semantics or Consciousness. 

We proposed the Scale Invariance or Resonance between cellular Microtubular Network and organism vascular Macrotubular Network, the role of ectoderm to detect EM waves and the role of mesoderm to detect gravitational waves (3). The vascular system acts as an Amplifier of microtubular vibrations. Then we proposed that this vascular mesodermic network is acting as a Radar (4). A cell or an organism cannot be a receiver if it is not also a transmitter. The human body, as a spectroscope, is such transformer for the 4 fundamental interactions. 

In Quantum Mind 2007 we described the role of Harmonic Oscillator Manifold of the vascular system that allows the detection of Vibratory Equivalence or Harmonic Resonance between the 4 layers of the embryo and the Space-Time energy-impulsion quadri-vector (5). 

Ectoderm resonates to logic of non-contradiction. Endoderm resonates to logic of contradiction. 

Mesoderm, intra-embryo and extra-embryo, resonates to logic of crossed double contradiction (6). 

Time resonance and Space symmetry are unified. 

Without pigments, there is no life, no memory and no Consciousness. (7) 

The vascular system is a Multiplexing wave guide carrying not only epicritic transversal blood pulse sine waves but also protopathic longitudinal parietal cosine waves. 

Epicritic transversal or superficial sine waves are ectodermic nervous system waves. Protopathic or deep longitudinal cosine waves are mediated by the mesodermic vascular system, distributor and connector Manifold.

These longitudinal mesodermic parietal waves act as amplifier of longitudinal waves of the microtubular network manifold that is sensible to 4 fundamental interactions and their harmonics from the atomic level to the Consciousness level, from the semiotic to the semantic level. 

The vibratory equivalence between pigments and geometric operators, between pigments and hieroglyphics or written Hebraic and Sanskrit ideograms shows a biological embodiment of Eidetic Resonance, bypassing ectodermic sensory visual and auditory perception. It is the transition from biochemical resonance to semantic resonance. 

The mesodermic perception of written language allows a direct perception of the Meaning. Pigments are the first form of memory (7). They are micro-oscillators dynamic systems. Ideograms are also dynamic systems, memory of the action. Meaning is resonance between map and territory 

(8). the mesodermic manifolds, microtubular or cardiovascular, show the entanglement between map and territory, between function and graphic curve. The mesoderm resonates to the approach of the graph, memory of the function. 

Semiotics is of the order of vectors and tensors at the quantic level. Semantic is of the order of spinors and twistors, at the subquantic level. (2, 11) The more complex level allows the understanding of the less complex. But semantics needs semiotics to express a spectrogram. 

Semiotics is constituted by the equatorial plane of the spherical ontological dynamic structure of Abéllio that has an important heuristic value (10). Semantics is constituted by the orthogonal vertical axis of this ontological Riemann Sphere at all levels of complexity (11). 

This succinct overview suggests that vascular semantic resonance is a solution to the «hard problem» in Consciousness studies, that quanta and qualia are 2 orthogonal aspects of the same biological phenomenon. It is the ectodermic Euclidian logic of non-contradiction that creates this so called «hard problem » which disappears with the mesodermic logic of crossed double contradiction of Abellio (6, 9). This logic shows that there is no dichotomy between matter and spirit, and no dichotomy between matter and antimatter, between waves and corpuscle, but Dialectic. 

Dialectic instead of dichotomy is the Life Process. 


  1. Jean Ratte; L’Homme Cellulaire; de la médicine a l’holonergétique. Editions Janus. Montréal 2001 
  2. Roger Penrose; Road to Reality, chapter 8. Vintage Books, 2004.
  3. Jean Ratte; Neuro-ectodermic Electromagnetic Consciousness and mesodermic gravitational consciousness. Towards a Science of Consciousness 2. Tucson 1996 (abstract #330) publications and conferences 
  4. Jean Ratte; Motor theory of consciousness and holoenergetic vascular resonance. Towards a Science of Consciousness 3. Tucson 1998 (Abstract 977) 
  5. Jean Ratte; Embryological embodiment of protopsychism and Wave Function. Quantum Mind Salzburg. July 2007 
  6. (Abstract 103) publications and conferences 
  7. Jean Ratte; Vascular semantic resonance and Embryo-logics. Scientific Exploration Meeting. East Lansing May 2007 
  8. Harold J Morowitz; Beginnings of cellular life; Metabolism recapitulates Biogenesis. University 
  9. Press 1992 
  10. Jean Ratte; Embryology and Vascular Correlates of Consciousness. From the quanta to the qualia. From semiotics to semantics .Towards a Science of Consciousness Tucson 2008
  11. Raymond Abéllio ; La Structure Absolue. Gallimard. 1964. 
  12. Jean Ratte; Valeur heuristique du modèle sphérique d’Abellio en biophysique; Rencontres Abellio June 2009 à Seix France publications et conférences 
  13. Jean Ratte; Biosémantique et structure absolue d’Abellio. Rencontres Abellio July 2010. Porto Portugal.

Key words; Vascular Semantic resonance, microtubular & cardiovascular Manifold, Conformal Mapping. Multiplexing .Matter-antimatter conjugate. Abellio’s Logic of double crossed contradiction. Syntropy, Entropy, Dystropy.