
1996 - Neuroectodermic Electromagnetic Consciousness and Mesodermic Gravitational Consciousness

Abstract of a conference published in Consciousness Research Abstracts / Physics and Mathematics, pp. 132, article #330, a special issue of Journal of Consciousness Studies constituting the Proceedings of Toward a Science of Consciousness - "Tucson II" (April 8 to 13 avril 1996).

Hameroff and Penrose have proposed the cellular microtubular network as the biological interface with consciousness. The author offers the hypothesis that:

  1. The cellular microtubular network is homologous to the macrotubular mesodermic vascular network.
  2. The distribution of tubulin in every cell and the fractal geometry of the vascular network allow a multilevel scale-resonance between micro and macrolevels.
  3. Consciousness is based not only on the ectodermic nervous system but also on the mesodermic vascular system.
  4. A. The neuro-ectoderm and its derived sensory organs detect mainly the variations of the electromagnetic field; B. The mesodermic vascular network detects variations of the gravitational field.
  5. Through the common pathway of tubulin, consciousness could be related not only to quantum gravity but also to the pericorporeal gravitational field.

These hypotheses stem out of the past experience of the author as a vascular surgeon in search of solutions to vasospastic diseases, that prompted him to study acupuncture, osteopathy then holoenergetics.

Vascular "holoenergetic" resonance is a clinical phenomenon of resonance of the wall of the wrist arteries to the pigments of specific Wratten-Kodak® gelatin filters, brought close to the body. Each artery has a frequency of resonance, like a radio channel. Each artery is related to a biological program with its memory. The "holoenergetic" vascular signal, independent of the nervous system, like a phonon, is a witness of variations of the pericorporeal gravitational field, possibly analogous to the "morphogenetic field". It reacts to specific forms, such as ideograms, out of reach of sensory organs.

The mesodermic vascular network looks like a massively parallel resonator, a gravitational interferometer. There is, as yet, no technological device available to confirm these hypotheses, coming from clinical practice. The physical phenomenon of vascular holoenergetic resonance between the pigmented gelatins and the body proteins is made possible by the fact that:

  1. Gelatins, as polymers, can act as phase conjugation mirrors.
  2. Pigments, able to produce lasers in some set up, realize subharmonic oscillation.

The pigmented gelatin filters are sensing the gravitational waves emitted by the human body. The arteries, as amplifiers, give rise to the clinically detectable signal.

Embryology shows the primacy of the mesoderm which is inductor of the neuro-ectoderm. The mesodermic cardiac tube is already contracting rhythmically at three weeks of embryo's life, whereas the neural tube is not yet closed. This fact allows one to understand that the mesoderm can be a transducer of a more primitive type of information, as the gravitational interaction is more primitive than the electro-magnetic interaction in the cosmogenesis.

Neuro-ectoderm could be the transducer of centrifugal electroweak interactions. Mesoderm with the vascular system could be the the transducer of gravitostrong interactions. The primacy of the vascular mesodermic network could explain facts not understood on a neural basis. The presence of tubulin network in every cell, like the presence of receptors and neuro-transmitters in all organs favours the hypothesis that «thought stuff is not caged in the brain, but is widely distributed in the whole body» (Bergland in Fabric of the mind as quoted by R. Restak in Receptors). The sensitivity of tubulin systhesis to a gravity gradient (James Tabony, Science, April 1994) is another argument in favour of the role of tubulin as transducer of "gravitational" consciousness.

© Jean Ratte