
1998 - Motor Theory of Consciousness and Holoenergetic Vascular Resonance

Toward a Science of Consciousness - "Tucson III", University of Arizona, April 27 to May 2, 1998)
Poster Session Category : Bioelectromagnetic/Resonance Effect (04.07 Abstract #977).

Cotterill has revived and expanded the motor theory of consciousness (JCS 1995.96.97) suggesting the motor output as probing the environment and the sensory input as a feedback in conscious perception. This probing or RADAR function should be extended to the mesodermic vascular system.

Previous research in vascular medicine, chronobiology and holoenergetics has suggested that the vascular system is a gravitational interferometer allowing intrinsic temporal coding (J. Ratte, 1993). This background prompted the hypothesis that the mesodermic vascular network is a gravitational computer, the ectodermic tissues such as nervous system and sensory organs detect E. M. waves, the mesodemic tissues such as muscular and vascular systems detecting pericorporeal gravitational waves. (Research Abstracts --Tucson II, #330, p. 132)

Consciousness is like an interferometry, a measure, a comparison between a referent and a variable, between interior and exterior.

Biology shows that we cannot be receivers if we are not transmitters. Oscillatory movements of receptor surfaces are critical to perception; saccadic nystagmoid movements of retina in vision of E.M. waves, respiratory movements in olfactive detection of chemical gradients, movements of cochlear cells in hearing acoustic waves and tremor for touch. The vascular oscillatory movements and plethysmographic variations are, likely, necessary to detect gravitational waves. Put another way, the human body detects only variations or differences or discontinuities. It detects only the second derivative like acceleration, not speed or a continuous sound. A signal is always a variation.

The principle of equivalence between gravitation and acceleration allows one to understand that the muscular system detects gravitational gradients and achieves spatial coding while the mesodermic cardiovascular system realizes temporal coding due to its auto-oscillatory movements. Consciousness is spatial and temporal coding-decoding or pattern recognition. This role is not limited to ectodermic nervous system and sensory organs but belongs also to mesodemic tissues which can, in a blindsight way, resonate to and detect spatial patterns or morphemes such as hieroglyphes, ideograms or pictograms.

This mesodermic reading, without transfert of E.M. energy, agrees with the principle of L.M. Vincent that in biology "information is not constituted of probabilistic events but by pattern or form recognition." The cardiovascular system acts as a resonant cavity, like a Fabry-Perot interferometer producing laser emission. The embryo of drosophilia shows subradiance or superradiance phenomena after exposure to light. Our hypothesis that the vascular system produces also emission of gravitational waves and can consequently detect them, stems out of the clinical phenomenon of holoenergetic vascular resonance as observed in clinical practice.

The common topology of the early neural tube and of the cardiac tube allows a resonance between ectoderm and mesoderm. There is no available technology to document this claim, but when it becomes available the landscape of biological study of consciousness will be changed because the nervous system is only one limb of the interferometric loop.

© Jean Ratte