
Technical Problem 

Mesodermic signal characteristics 

The mesodermic vascular signal is a train of longitudinal waves or phonons which can detect a semantic resonance whereas the auriculomedicine vascular signal is a transversal wave regulated by the neuro-ectoderm which does not give access to the same information. 
An expert in nanotechnology should be able to develop an instrument capable of measuring the mesodermic signal for whom the pulse represents a sound. The mesodermic signal, independent from the pulse and the blood flow, is a magnification of the microtubular cell vibrations made by the macrotubular vascular system. 


Epistemological problems 

The ultimate science is the science of the body 

There are several epistemological obstacles to overcome in order to fully understand the semantic resonance phenomenon. 

Our Cartesian education focuses on formalisms and does not give us access to the underlying biophysical reality. The confrontation with the science of the body demonstrates that the space is not void. The regular straight movement is not biological. It has been necessary for us to find our cultural heritage through Plato, Nicolas de Cuse, Kepler, Pascal, Leibniz, Gauss and Reimann which Einstein used. Our heritage was clouded by the formal tradition of Aristotle, Descartes, Newton, Maxwell and all the other authoritarians for whom the form does not reveal the underlying substance which interests us. 

The Reimann hypogeometry, consisting of surface functions and complex spheres, gives the physical models to understand the human as an orderly multiconnected being (manifold). (See Bruce Director, Reimann for antidummies). See also Roger Penrose, The Road to Reality, Vintage Books, London,2004, an excellent introduction to Reimann’s ‘manifolds’ surfaces and spheres. 
Text in progress on the ear as a Reimann surface. 

The most frequent epistemological problem is converging from a classic linear thought to a non-linear or global thought. Abellio’s ontological structure model is dynamic and allows to go from the finite to transfinite and the infinite. The model applies to all levels of complexity, from the fundamental physical interactions to the atom, the molecule, the cell and the organism. 
Semantic resonance was discovered through the vibratory equivalence between pigments and ideograms and the physical interactions and stages of the embryogenesis. It has demonstrated three logical ideas: Non-contradictory, ectodermic, sensorial logic, or “objective” logic. Endodermic, contradictory logic. Crossed double-contradiction logic, mesodermic. With this model we have been able to transfer from the hologram to the holon and discover the holonaxy or super symmetry between the physical body and the pericorporal field. A well centered body is an holonoscope or interferometer able to detect all gravitostrong, supraluminous centripetal physical interactions and electroweak infraluminous centrifugal physical interactions. It can then detect the vibratory effect of a specific molecule or information on the body. The area of activity of a specific method or theory can be verified. For example, Pinel’s fields correspond to weak interaction or H1, strong interaction or H2 and electromagnetic or H3. The morphic or morphogenetic field corresponds to Pinel’s weak interaction or H1. Understanding the vibratory identity of the different levels of complexity, it’s possible to understand the mechanism of a specific molecule or piece of information. 

The positive time-space established by Tiller corresponds to the 4 physical interactions of living matter and the negative time corresponds to the 4 layers or subtle bodies of the pericorporal antimatter field, commonly called Aura. The Vitiello double also corresponds to the Aura, which is an image, therefore an inversion of the 4 fundamental interactions of the body matter.